Although best known as a furniture designer, ROBIN DAY has worked in many fields of design including graphics, exhibition and interior design, the radio and television receiver industries, the carpet and vinyl industries and the design of the interior of passenger aircraft. In 1949 was co-winner of first prize in Museum of Modern Art New York competition for low cost furniture. In 1950, began designing for Hille, a small firm making mainly reproduction period furniture. Soon became their design consultant developing ranges of modern contract furniture. This firm grew into a major international producer of modern furniture. In 1951 was commissioned to design furniture for Royal Festival Hall including auditorium seating which is still in place. Designed furniture for many important buildings in the UK and abroad, notably for concert halls and thea-tre, airports, stations and sports stadiums. Pioneered development of injection moulded plastic one-piece chairs of which tens of millions have been sold worldwide. Habitat is now selling R. Day designs of the 1950's and 60's with great success.
Has served on juries of many National and International design competitors.