Michael Doret grew up in Brooklyn, NY near Coney Island—the influence of which is permanentlyetched in his work. He graduated from Cooper Union, and went on to start his own design studio in New York. His work revitalized the art of hand-lettering by expanding it into the areas of illustration and graphic design—initially inspiring many imitators, many of whom have moved on to making their own contributions to the art form. He currently runs his studio out of Hollywood, CA, sharing it with wife, illustrator Laura Smith. Michael is an eight time recipient of the NY Art Director's Club Silver Award, and has exhibited work in all the major industry shows and annuals. You're probably familiar with his work with out even knowing it: if you've seen his logo for the NY Knicks or one of his many Time covers then you're familiar with the power and dynamism he has brought to the art of hand-lettering for many years. He's also designed record and CD covers—from Kiss' infamous "Rock and Roll Over" to his Grammy Award nominated design for the Squirrel Nut Zippers. And there are many other works you're sure to have seen including his TV Guide "Fall Preview" cover and the Federal Eagle postage for the United States Postal Service. Now with the opening of his digital font foundry Alphabet Soup he is excited to have added font design to his list of accomplishments.